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HomeGuides & FAQs - Survivor Legacy
Guides & FAQs - Survivor Legacy

Guides & FAQs - Survivor Legacy

Is there anything to help players understand the game?

Sometimes we release guides about the game, but usually guides are written by players! These are players that have explored a game feature, written an instructional guide (hopefully with screenshots!), and posted them for other players to review. Sometimes we hold events for guide writing, and sometimes it is just a player wanting to help their fellow players.

We have a list of different guides and FAQs here. We regularly comb the "Guides & FAQs" section of the forums, adding to the list any guides that show merit. These are not always inclusive, so if you find a feature, try writing up a guide of your own!

How can a player post a guide?

If a player has written a guide, remember to include screenshots! Blocking out character names may be a good idea, but including screenshots if applicable can really help other players. Post it in the "Guides & FAQs" section of the forums with a good title. PM a moderator to review your guide and have them add it to the Mega-Thread!